Monday, November 7, 2011

Thankful Challenge: Day 5, 6, 7

Sorry to combine 3 thankful posts in one, but we had a very busy weekend! This weekend was a wonderful weekend though. It was a weekend of celebration, love, lots of time on the road, excitement, happiness and LOVE.

Day 5: I am thankful for love. Today, we celebrated the wedding of my little brother, Wil, and his bride, Mindy. The wedding was a beautiful reminder of the vows we promise each other (and sometimes forget in our busy lives). My family has been blessed, and I'm thrilled all of my siblings have found their one true love, their best friend. Congratulations Wil & Mindy! We love you both!

Day 6: I am VERY thankful for being lazy! Today, Jared and I slept in. We didn't get home from the wedding in Alabama until almost 1 a.m. After lots of driving and a busy day, my prego body was more than exhausted! We managed to do nothing all day! It was a great day of catching up on our DVR, taking naps, homemade potato soup and cornbread and then pizza delivery (yes, someone on TV mentioned Papa Johns and my craving quickly turned from potato soup to pizza). Rest. It does a body good.

Day 7: Today I am thankful for answered prayers. Last week I had the triple marker blood work done. It tests to see if your baby has down syndrome, spina bifida, etc. Today, my doctor called and said the blood work was normal! Praise God for a healthy baby!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So glad all the bloodwork turned out well.. and congrats to Wil and Mindy!!
