Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Baby Edwards Update: Week 19

Well, I'm a little behind on my prego updates. It's been a busy couple weeks. As you know, we moved into our new house a few weeks ago. We absolutely love it! But, we are so not organized yet. I'm pretty sure we have clothes everywhere and not in any of the places they are supposed to be. Eventually, we will get all of our clothes organized (because, hey, I am nesting after all, so this will end up getting done). I'd also like to get the rest of our pictures hung too. Ahem. Jared, my sweet husband, I hope you're reading this.

As for the baby ... he or she (we'll know soon enough) is doing great! Growing like a weed. In fact, my baby bump is growing so much I've been asked by total strangers if I'm having twins. Yes, you heard that right. And, no, I didn't give them an ear-full. In fact, I have several family members who are thinking the same thing. I'm about 5 months prego, and from what I hear, a lot of folks are still wearing pre-pregnancy clothes at 5 months. Not me. I've been in maternity clothes for about 2 months already. I haven't gained anywhere except in my belly - thank you Lord! As far as we know, twins don't run in my family. However, they do run in Jared's ... which I hear will not affect my chances of having twins at all. Either way, we'll be happy. Blessed or double-blessed, God knows what He's doing. And, you know what, that works for me! Jared, on the other hand, will probably pass out if we see two on the ultrasound screen!

Moving on ... I still feel really great. A little tired. My back is really starting to hurt. And, I've got some serious heartburn (which I haven't had since chemo). I've noticed a little swelling in my hands and feet after a long day, but nothing too worrisome. All things that are to be expected. And, I'm pretty tough. I can handle a few minor side affects. Al in all, everything is going well. Oh yeah! I left out something major. If you missed it before ... I'm starting to feel the baby move! Wow! What an experience. I love every flutter and every wave. I can't wait until Jared can feel this little munchkin move too! Supposedly, that will be happening very soon.

We're pretty excited for our big ultrasound this Friday. Maybe we'll even agree on a name this weekend! Stay tuned!

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