Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Oh How Pinteresting Wednesday ... Thanksgiving Style!


 Source: via Elle on Pinterest

Thankful Challenge: Day 16-23

Well, I'm just a little behind on my blogging. Sometimes life just runs away with you, and before you know it, you haven't blogged in almost a week! It's a travesty!

Day 16: I'm thankful for lunches with old friends. Today, I had lunch with my dear friend (and former employer), Ali. We always have the best discussions that leave me thinking about how to improve this ole crazy world!

Day 17: Today, I'm thankful for my sweet sister. I came home from work early with a migraine, took a nap and woke up to a massive box on my doorstep. It was Patrick the pup straight from NYC! My sister knew I had been looking at buying him for Cooper, so she ordered him up and had him delivered. Love it! Cooper is going to love his very large stuffed puppy dog AND his Aunt Kelly!

Day 18: Speaking of pups, today I'm thankful Dolce. I know, I know. I've already been thankful for him once, but today's his birthday, and well, dang it, I'm thankful for him again! He's 4 years old today, and he's been the sweetest, most loyal companion I've ever had (well, as far as furry companions go). I just love my sweet doggy, and I'm thankful for him every day!

Day 19: Well, today I'm thankful that football is just a game. Neither of my teams played well today, but you know what ... it's just a game. Those student athletes are still getting their college paid for. We still wore our orange and blue (and royal blue - Go Cats) and life didn't stop with a loss. I'm still proud to be an Auburn Tiger and a Kentucky Wildcat!

Day 20: Today I'm thankful for time with family. I got to spend some time with my niece, Madison, cousin (and fellow soon-to-be mama), Sheldon, my other cousin (Sheldon's mama), Lisa and my favorite Aunt Betty! I've been blessed with the most wonderful, beautiful  - inside and out - family members! And with Thanksgiving coming up, I get to spend time with almost all of my family. I sure do have a lot to be thankful for!

Day 21: Even though today was definitely a Monday at work, I'm thankful I get to come home and find surprises left for me by my sweet, sweet niece, Madi! Over the weekend, Jared and I had a disagreement about whether or not I need another Christmas tree just for my nutcrackers. As you can imagine, he thinks one tree is plenty. I don't. So, on Sunday, I explained my version of the story to Madi. She laughed and laughed at my drama, and on Monday, she snuck into my house like Santa (only she used a key and not a chimney) and dropped off a brand new Christmas tree. Gah! I love that girl! Was that not the sweetest thing in the whole world?

Day 22: Today I'm thankful that Jared and I were able to agree on nursery furniture for Cooper. We debated for a few minutes (in a very respectful way) and finally we agreed and made the purchase! Our little man has furniture and it will be here some time in January or February! Oh I'm just so excited! I can't wait to get the nursery ready for him!

Day 23: Well, it's almost Thanksgiving, and you know what? I'm thankful for Thanksgiving. I'm thankful for delicious food (duh - Cooper has to eat) ... no seriously, I'm thankful for a day set aside with no work to spend time with family. So often, our days pass quickly with all of our responsibilities and to-do lists, and we forget to make time for those we love. Today, I'm thankful that I get to spend time with my siblings and their families (except Wil - dang it ... he should so be coming home), and then we're heading to Al to spend time with Jared's side of the family on Friday. Life is good. And, I'm so blessed that we have somewhere to go and special people to spend quality time with!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Oh How Pinteresting Wednesdays!

Hey y'all! It's that time again. Pinning time that is! Here's a link to my boards. Be sure to check them out and pin away!

As I told you last week, I've decided to link up with Michelle at The Vintage Apple for Oh How Pinteresting Wednesdays! This week, I found myself completely locked into my "Words to Live By" board. Sometimes, we all just need a little word of encouragement, a reminder of how blessed we are, a reason to stop worrying or maybe just a reason to say thank you Lord! So, here a few things that made me think, made my smile and made my day. Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Strollers and Car Seats ... Oh My!

Okay moms ... I need your help! Jared and I took our first real trip to Buy Buy Baby this past weekend to get a feel for what being a parent is all about. Insert laughs and giggles here. I'm sure if there was a hidden camera on us, we would have so made YouTube!

At one point, we found ourselves in the stroller aisle for 30 minutes just trying to figure out how to put the car seat back in it's place after removing it from the stroller top. And, then we got brave once we figured that out and attempted to fold it up. Ha! Not as easy as it looks! And, with my not-so-bionic arm, some of them were virtually impossible! And, then Jared ended up in the pack and plays and then over at the play yards and bouncers. He was smiling and feeling a little more brave. After all, those aren't nearly as difficult to figure out.  I think we both needed the reassurance that not all baby equipment is as difficult to figure out as the darn strollers and car seats!

Anyway, back to the reason I need your help ... As you probably figured out, we are starting to look for strollers and car seats and other baby necessities, and we're a little overwhelmed! Although I have some a LOT of questions about what we will need, just for today, let's stick to one topic: strollers/car seats. Here are my questions:

1. How in the world did you know which one to buy?
2. Do you have the travel system where the stroller and car seat comes together, or did you opt for the separate pieces?
3. Where did you find safety ratings for these items?
4. Which brand did you choose and why?
5. Is there anything else I need to know about buying these VERY important items?

Please help! We're brand new expecting parents, and we have no idea what we're doing!