Saturday, January 1, 2011

Food Foto Challenge

So, as part of my New Years Non-Resolution to be a better version of myself, I've given myself a new challenge ...

I know this is brave. My husband says I won't do it. But, I'm committing to the challenge right here in front of the whole wide world. Well, maybe not the whole wide world ... but at least the blog world.

For one solid week, I am going to take a picture of everything I put into my mouth and post it right here on my blog. I'm going to begin this food foto challenge on Monday, January 3 and finish it up on Sunday, January 9.

The reason I've decided to do this is because I've become ridiculously aware of how unhealthy most food is ... even salads, soups and sandwiches. It probably has something to do with where I'm working now. It drives me crazy when I think I'm making a healthy choice, and I find out as soon as I look at the nutritional values, that I'm NOT!

And, most importantly, I don't think I pay attention to the "other" things I eat: gum, candy, diet cokes, wine, margaritas, wine and more margaritas, etc. So, I plan to become more aware of what I'm choosing to eat and drink. I think by seeing it in pictures, in front of all of you, that it will make me think twice before choosing to consume it. Notice I say that I'm choosing it. I'm trying to remind myself that what I eat and drink is my choice, and I can change it ... if I choose to do so.

Anyone else want in? It could be fun!

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