Monday, January 31, 2011

The Beginning of a Bucket List

For a long time I've wanted to start a "Bucket List." I saw the movie. Hated it. Loved the concept. I think that so many of us get so wrapped up in our day-to-day stuff that we forget to live our lives. I don't want to be one of those people who looks back on my life and wishes I had done so much more.

So, I started trying to think of all the things I want to do. I'm realizing that this has to be a working list. I'm a little sporadic, and I'm always thinking of things I want to do. So, here's the plan: I'll just continue to add stuff as I live. And, hopefully, cross some of the things off too. :)

The one thing I know is this ... Every day I realize just how much I love my husband. Just when I think I can't love him ANY MORE than I already do, wham! another day comes, and I love him more. He is truly my best friend. So, as I plan/do some of these things, I really want to keep him in mind. He may not want to do all of these things with me. But, everything I do will, in some way, affect him. I do, however, hope that he will agree to participate in the majority of my list (especially #15 - he he he). Besides ... Everything is so much more fun when your best friend is with you!

1. Sky dive (I'll have to do this when I'm on my death bed though. I really don't want to break my arm again.)
2. Write a book (I'm still trying to decide what I want to write about ... )
3. Live at the beach
4. Learn to fly a plane
5. Run a marathon (start with 5K and work my way up)
6. Wear a pink stripe in my hair
7. Travel to at least 10 different countries
8. Own my own business
9. Go to a Broadway Show in NYC (I can't believe I've never done this.)
10. Take cooking classes.
11. Learn to knit.
12. Take an art class/Learn to paint
13. Take a dance class (specifically salsa, but I'd love to learn all kinds of dances)
14. Go on a mission trip
15. Adopt a child (Jared isn't as convinced about this one as I am.)
16. Take a photography class

So, there it is. There's 16 things I want to do before I kick the bucket. I'm sure that by tomorrow, I'll be able to come up with 16 more things. But, hey, it's a start. Do you have a bucket list?

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