Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Food Foto Challenge: Day 1

It's Day 1 of my Food Foto Challenge. Here goes nothing.

100-calorie grits with splenda and a diet coke (I know - I'm trying to quit the diet coke.).

Grilled Chicken Salad

Dressing on the side

Skipped my afternoon diet coke and opted for water.

Gum instead of chocolate :(

A little protein before working out
Spaghetti made with Laura's Lean Beef (keepin' it healthy)

Dessert ... again, no chocolate

Well, it didn't kill me. We'll see how tomorrow goes ...


  1. Can I offer some help?
    I'm a diet dr. pepper addict - its crazy b/c I never drank soft drinks prior to children... If I have one I would never have more than 1 a day. All of a sudden it hit me like a light bulb - I am depending on this soda for energy and that little pick me up instead of depending on the Lord! I suddenly felt so convicted! When I did the "Believing God" study for the first time- she ask you to give something up for the stint of the book - so I gave up Diet Dr.Pepper - cold turkey - it was the best thing I ever did... I do on occasion have it, but its like a drug to me - once I have it one day I am craving it the next.

    Heres some of what we do:
    Breakfast - instead of grits eat oatmeal. Buy the quick quaker oats - 1 to 2 ratio for water and oats - you can microwave for 30 seconds or do on the stove (when it boils take it off) - Chris puts salt and frozen blueberries in his and Colton and I have salt, frozen bb, and a little bit of PURE maple syrup. We also have eggs.... were egg addicts too!

    Before working out - eat a handful of raisins... big boost.

    Dinner - if we have spaghetti, we skip the pasta or we do spaghetti squash - yummy!

    Snack - brown rice cake w/ peanut butter (all natural smuckers brand), cinnamon, and sometimes we will treat ourselves w/ a little honey on it, but if you can eat it w/out it is better.

    We have thrown out most packaged bars w/ the exception of Lara Bars (they have no added sugars... usually only 3 ingredients).

    Just wanted to offer some food for thought!

    I think this is a great idea though - it almost makes you feel like you have to be more accountable for what you are eating! We're doing something similar w/ what were spending - keeping track of every penny!

  2. Hi Summer! I actually switch up my breakfast all the time. I rotate between grits, oatmeal and something random. The nutritional values of the grits I eat are actually healthier than the oatmeal. Love the other snack ideas though. I'm always looking for way to change up the menu.
