Thursday, December 30, 2010

Wishing you a happy 2011!

I don't know about y'all, but I'm almost always in the crowd of folks who makes a resolution and never keeps it. I do a good job for the first month or so, but then it's over. Slowly. But surely. I forget about it until around December 31 ... when I'm reminded, again, that I need to change my ways. :)

So, this year I'm doing something different. Instead of making empty promises to myself about losing weight, drinking more water, eating less chocolate or whatever else I think I need to change, I'm just going to focus on being the best me I can possibly be.

That might mean losing weight, drinking more water and eating less chocolate, but that's not my focus. I want to focus on being happy and healthy. I want to focus on doing things that are on my bucket list (I'm in the process of writing this, so check back ... you might be surprised what's on it). I WILL focus on spending more time doing the things I love with the people I love. I WILL look back at 2011 with a smile.

I encourage all of you to think about what makes you happy - focus on those things this year. Worry less. Love more. Don't fight. Laugh a lot. Give all you can.

Wishing you a fabulous 2011!



  1. Rian, I L-o-V-E your blog! I am now a "follower"!! Love you bunches!


  2. I love this Rian! So true! Here's to a super happy 2011! Love you sister!

  3. Resolutions definitely don't work!

    I love setting goals. And sometimes I even finish them.

    Hope you have a wonderful and happy 2011!
