Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Dolce's home!

I'm one happy mama! It's hard to believe that I've been away from my little man for 3 months. He may have fur and walk on 4 legs, but he's my kid! And, trust me, I love him as such!

Dolce is the reason Jared and I are married ... Here's how that went down ... Jared's grandparents used to raise boxer pups, and Dolce is one of the last puppies from Bowser and Annie's last litter. When I decided to get Dolce, Jared and I hadn't even started dating yet. In fact, it was the weekend that I went to Alabama to pick him up that we started "noticing" each other.I'll blog more about how we ended up dating, got engaged and got married later. We had a whirlwind romance! It was perfect in every way!

Back to Dolce ... Jared's oldest brother, John, is married to my best friend from middle/high school, Eeron. We met in the 6th grade when I moved to Alabama and have been friends ever since (if you're doing the math, that's about 20 years). John and Eeron got married in 2002. I was in college. Jared had just graduated high school. Fast forward 6 years, and it's December 31, 2007. I traveled down to Alabama to spend New Years with Eeron and pick up my sweet puppy ...

Dolce had a rough beginning. The whole littler did, actually. They all got worms AND the mange. It was rough. The day I went to pick up him, I remember thinking, "what in the world am I doing"? We put him in a cardboard box and took him straight to the vet and the groomers. In no time he was cleaned up and healthy ... and all boy!

Here are some pictures of him as he's grown up:
Dolce's first night with his mama!

Feeling a little tired after his first shots :(
He's all puppy!

And now he's learned how to get my attention!
He sure loved that crazy monkey!
Starting to be a big boy!
Sunbathing with his daddy!
Taking a break and hiding under our deck. I guess he'd had enough sun!
Happy boy on his way home after Thanksgiving! Look at that sweet smile!

Needless to say, Dolce may have gotten his start in a cardboard box, but now he's pretty spoiled. He gets anything and everything he wants. When I used to take him to my in-laws, he had a diaper bag with all of his "stuff." Yes, I got made fun of a lot for that, but my sweet lil man was taken care of ... well!

So, you see, Dolce isn't just my dog. He's part of our family. Literally. And, we are beyond thrilled to have him home with us again!


  1. Dolce is good-looking! I love reading your blog. Your words always make me smile, and be thankful you are a part of our family.

  2. I cannot wait to hear more about your whirlwind romance :)

  3. Dolce is super cute! I know what you mean about Dolce being your kid...I feel like our new puppy, Kona is our child too :) And don't worry...she has a bag with all her stuff in it as well!
