Sunday, November 28, 2010


It's the Sunday after Thanksgiving, and we're on our way home from Alabama. It's been a busy weekend! We started our holiday celebration at my sisters house in Middlesboro on Thursday. There were approximately 25 people there with enough food to feed an army. We ate entirely too much, but it was totally worth every bite! I come from a family of fabulous cooks!

On Friday morning, we woke up early and hit the road to Al. Jareds moms side of the family came over and watched the Iron Bowl with us. War Eagle! We had "football watching" food which was a much-needed break from turkey and dressing!

So, needless to say, Jared and I are on our way home wearing sweat pants and oversized t-shirts!

Of course, Thanksgiving isn't just about the food; it's about taking time out of our crazy schedules to truly celebrate all the things we appreciate. For us: our undying faith in our Lord, our loving families, our many freedoms, our supportive friends and, of course, our furry children (more to come on them soon!). Our list could go on and on ... We had such a great time with both our families this weekend.

Thanksgiving Hits:
1. Singing Paula Abdul, Pebbles, Taylor Dayne and Janet Jackson with my sister. Brought back lots of great memories from my childhood. (Rian)
2. Watching Mr. and Mrs, Edwards dancing to the dance revolution game on the Wii. Who knew my mother-in-law could break it down! Seriously, she was REALLY good and SUPER cute!
3. Bringing our sweet Dolce back home with us! Diesel is a little too rambunctious to come while we're still living in the apartment. But, trust me, he's completely happy where he is ... Running around on grandma and grandpas farm!
4. Watching our beloved Tigers beat the Crimson Tide 28-27! That's a 7-1 record in Tuscaloosa. The Tigers are undefeated and heading to the ATL!

Of course, It's always hard to drive away from our families whether they live 2 hours away or 5. That's the downside. But, they know we love them. And we know they love us. It can't get much better than that! We're already looking forward to seeing everyone again in a few weeks for CHRISTmas!

We have so much to be thankful for, and we hope everyone else had a truly blessed Thanksgiving too!

Love Rian & Jared - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:On I-75 north

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