Monday, October 17, 2011

New Blog Name?

I started this blog about a year ago as a means of keeping our family and friends updated on what's going on in our crazy, busy, sometimes boring, sometimes exciting lives. We have so many people we care about who live in different places, and to be honest, life always gets away from us and phone calls don't happen as often as they should. So, this was a great outlet for updates on our adventures after our big move from Alabama to Kentucky. One of my friends from my hometown helped me come up with our blog name, Tiger Fans in Cat Country. It was a cute fit ... at the time. Now that the whole "living in a new place" has kind of passed, and we're moving on to new adventures that include diapers, bottles and super cute onesies, I'm thinking we need a new name for this blog. Since most of my creativity is used up at work, I need help from you all to come up with something cute and fitting for this new phase of our lives. If you have any good ideas, share them in the comments section. I can't wait to see what you all come up with!


  1. You could keep the name, but maybe come up with a creative tag line ... that way you will have all your posts together in one place and if someone wanted to go back and read your "story" they would not have to go to 2 different blogs. Just a thought. Check out my friend Leslie: ... she designed my blog and Shannon's too ... she is great to work with and could maybe help you come up with something! She is pregnant too and due next Spring - after 2 years (I think or maybe just one) of fertility treatments.

  2. Thanks Summer! I like the idea of a tag line. I was looking under my settings section, and it looks like I can change the name without having to lose any content or creating a new blog. That's what I was hoping to do. :)
