Monday, October 24, 2011

Holy moley! I think my insides are moving!

Oh wait! No, that's just the baby! This past weekend I thought I may have felt the baby move, but I really wasn't totally sure. I mean, hey, I've never felt a baby move inside me, so I just couldn't be positive that's what it was. But, sure enough, today, it was real and there was denying it. It felt a little bit like a bubble being blown from my left side to my right side. It was amazing. weird. wonderful. crazy. fabulous. And, yes, I keep pressing, ever so gently, on my belly to see if it will do it again. I can't wait until the day Jared can look over at me, and see a leg or an arm or butt sticking out at us! I. Love. Being. Pregnant. This is the best feeling in the whole entire big amazing world.

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