Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Month 4

I signed up to receive emails from Pampers that tell me all about this little munchkin I'm growing. Here's what's happening now ...

Month 4

Construction Zone

Your little one's face is beginning to look "human" as the mouth and nose take shape. Tooth enamel is forming, fingerprints are defined, and eye movements will begin at the end of this month. The fetus weighs about two to three and a half ounces and measures four to six inches.

His And Hers

Your baby's genitals are probably developed enough to reveal gender. If you're carrying a girl, the ovaries have already made millions of eggs! And a little boy's sperm-production cells are present in the testes.

What's Happenin'

Your baby is active in all sorts of ways: sucking a thumb, grabbing the umbilical cord. You may have felt some kicks and punches. Pay special attention after a meal or in the afternoon or evening, when "workouts" typically take place. Try pushing back lightly when you feel a punch. Does your baby respond with a change in movement?


Your baby's activity cycles are now somewhat linked to yours. Between 20 and 22 weeks, the fetus becomes diurnal, meaning your little one has waking and sleeping periods that differ from day to night. Your body's patterns are adapting to your baby's, too: Your sleep is gradually becoming lighter, and you're able to nap more easily.

1 comment:

  1. I like the baby center emails too... and they keep sending them even after the little guy (hmmm... I called "it" a guy) arrives...
