Friday, May 6, 2011

Little Judy

Ever looked in the mirror and wondered "who is that person staring back at me"? Oh yeah, I have too! Actually, I do it every day. The older I get, the more I remind myself of my mother (hence the title of this post, "Little Judy"). If you ask Jared, he'll tell you I'm "Little Kelly" (my sister). Jared never had the privilege of meeting my sweet mama, but if he had, he'd know "Little Judy" and "Little Kelly" mean the exact same thing! Either way, I take it as a compliment. You see, my mom and my sister just happen to be two of the greatest women I've ever known.

My mom had a heart that was always open. She never judged people based on their beliefs or lifestyles. She had faith that could move a mountain. And she supported her children no matter what decisions we made.

If you look in the dictionary under strength, you'll see her name. Well, not really. It's just a figure of speech. But I'm sure if Merriam and Webster had ever met my mom, they would have updated their dictionary with the correct definition (her name, of course).

Let me explain with the short version of the story ... A widow in her early twenties, raised two small children while going to nursing school, a less-than-perfect second marriage, a daughter diagnosed with cancer ... these are just a few of the battles she fought in her short 56 years. And she fought them all with strength, courage, love and faith.

And can we talk about her contagious laugh for just a minute. I used to hear her on the phone talking to her best friend and just giggling away. I had no idea what was so funny, but I always ended up sitting there laughing with them. She was just too darn cute!

Now she wasn't perfect ... but no one is. My sweet mama had a temper like a mama bear if anyone messed with her babies! And, although she was always forgiving of her children, she was known to hold a grudge ... or two.

I wish I could say I had all of my mother's positive attributes, but I'm sure I don't. However, the ones about faith and family I come by honest. I also got my "protective instincts" from her (but she got hers from her mom, and I hope my kids get it from me too - if we don't take up for our families who will?).

I was blessed with 21 amazing years with her by my side. She helped me get ready for dates, made sure I always had the cutest clothes and never failed to ask me every day, "did anyone tell you how pretty you look today." Of course, as a teenager, that question drove me crazy. Who, other than Jennifer Lopez who was voted People's Most Beautiful Woman in the World, gets told that EVERY day? Guess how often I wish I could hear her ask me that now?

I must not leave out her "coolness factor." She took my friends and me rolling yards in the green dragon (her Volvo station wagon), let me go to Panama City on senior week ... as a junior AND a senior and only sent me to live with my sister for two weeks when I got my belly button pierced (trust me, that was NOT punishment so she must have secretly liked it <well, that's a stretch>).

So, when I look in the mirror and see my moms eyes, nose and, unfortunately her thighs too, it makes my heart giggle a little. I'll take the good and the bad (although I'm hoping the treadmill will take care of the thighs), because if I can grow up to be half the amazing woman she was, I'll be doing pretty well.

Happy Mother's Day to my mom, my sister, my mother-in-law and all the other amazing moms in my life! Love you all!

Mom (prego with me)
After I was born ... still in the hospital.

Can we talk about how beautiful she was!

Mom and her sister at Kelly's wedding.


My sister and two beautiful daughters. She's a terrific mom!

The friend I mentioned who always made her laugh ... this is her ... dressed as a clown! Now I know why they laughed so hard!

1 comment:

  1. Great post Rian! You do look a lot like your mother! One memory I have of her was when I was working in Trade Secret in East Town Mall when I first started at UT and she came in there shopping for something (or maybe she just saw me and came in to say hello - I don't remember), but she started pulling out old photos of you and going on and on about how beautiful you are :)
