Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The D Word

I hate the "d" word. You know the one I'm talking about. It should be a sin in and of itself. DIET. Ugh! I hate saying it, typing it, reading it, seeing it. Most of all, I hate doing it! But, it's a fact of life. I have some serious weight to lose - baby weight and hypothyroid weight. So, here goes nothing ...

One month ago, I started the Advocare 24 day challenge, and I started calculating all my food in the myfitnesspal app on my iPhone. Since then, I've lost 8 pounds. The funny thing is, I would have lost more, but I had a couple of cheat days where I gained 2 pounds here and a pound there. Darn cheat days! They so aren't worth it! My goal over the next month is to not have ANY cheat days. We'll see how that goes. I'm hoping to be down 20 pounds total by the end of October ... so, 12 more pounds to go in the next 6 weeks. That's 2 pounds a week - a totally healthy weight loss.

I've been walking since I started this weight loss challenge, but this week, Jared and I kicked it up a notch and started couch to 5K. I have a hard time running because it jars my shoulder so bad. This may or may not work for me, but at least I'm trying. If it doesn't, I'll go back to walking and doing my elliptical. The point is to get my heart rate up, so either way, I'll be happy to just get some exercise in!

I'm also considering the It Works wraps. Anyone used those? I'd love to hear about your results?

We have family pictures scheduled for October 28th, and I really don't want to spend money on pictures that I'm going to hate because I look awful. So, wish me well! I love getting healthy!

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