Saturday, September 8, 2012

Girl's Night Out

So, last night I had a girl's night out. And, it may be one of the most fun GNO's I've ever had. They (whoever they are) say that things change as you get older, get married, have kids ... Blah blah blah, right? Well, "they" may have been right in some aspects.

In the past, GNO would have included a seriously fattening and probably expensive dinner, wine and/or martinis and/or margaritas, a movie, lots and lots of gossip ... You get the picture. But, as I've gotten older, my priorities have changed a lot.

Sure, I was out until almost midnight. And, well, let's face it. You can't have girls night without a little bit of dessert (or in last nights case, lots of it)! But, never, ever did I think that GNO would include ME learning to KNIT! Who am I? My grandmother? Whatever! I'm throwing all judgement out the window. Knitting is for the cool kids, and I'm joining the in-crowd!

Not only did I learn to knit, but I'm also learning to scrapbook and coupon. Life isn't just about me anymore (although I'm a firm believer that "me time" is important for everyone). My fun time now includes making fabulous scarves, preserving precious family memories and saving the fam lots of money!

And while learning new hobbies was fun, and I'm super excited about them ALL, the thing I enjoyed the most was socializing with beautiful, Christian women. God has truly blessed my family and me with great new friends and a wonderful Church. Now, that's good stuff! I'm looking forward to the next GNO - mom style!

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