Saturday, May 12, 2012

Time is running away with my heart

Is it possible that time actually speeds up when you're happy? It seems as though the night comes as quickly as the mornings begin. And, I find myself begging for just another hour. My days used to be filled with the hustle and bustle of alarm clocks, phones ringing, meeting reminders and email alerts. Now, they are filled coos and ahhhs, cries that mean I'm hungry and cries that mean change me, vibrations of bouncy seats and songs from swings. My life has changed beyond anything I ever imagined or was prepared for. The last 8 weeks have been the happiest days of my life. I know that sounds so cliche, but it's the truth. And, those of you who have children are probably reading this and smiling in understanding. Cooper James Edwards entered my world at 3:52 p.m. on March 13. He weighed 8lbs 13oz and was 20 in long. My life will never be the same.

Before he was born, I wrote him a letter. The short story of it said this ... "I can't wait to meet you. I hope you have ... I hope you are ... I'm going to love you forever and ever." Well, now that he's here, it's the beginning and the end of the letter that I realize are all that matters. I no longer care whose eyes he has or which personality he takes after. He's Cooper. And, he's perfect. He's mommy's little snuggle bug. He's the spitting image of his daddy. And, boy oh boy does he melt my heart all day, every day. And, I love him so much. No, I mean I REALLY love him. It's as if God cracked open my chest during delivery and stretched my heart in order to make room for the amount of love that I would have for him the minute I laid eyes on him. I'll never forget that moment for as long as I live.

Ahhhh ... Life is good. No, wait, life is PERFECT. And, for those of you who are thinking, "yeah right, no one's life is perfect" ... Let me tell you, this is my version of perfect! I have prayed for this little guy for as long as I can remember. God granted my every want and need when He answered this prayer, and I thank Him every day!

I'm sorry for not giving updates over these last 2 months, but I've been busy enjoying my precious little boy. I'll try to do better. I promise.

Love and blessings,


  1. Rian, you know how to make a mother cry happy tears. The love is indescribable, and beyond measure.
    -Aunt Susan

  2. Girl, You just took the words right out of my heart! I know some people think we are 'older' to be having our first kids...but I can tell anyone with out a doubt, God sent me this Angel at exactly the right moment, EVEN when medicine said it was Impossible! I am so happy for you! I think nothing is more fitting than having 'twins' raise baby boys at the same time in life! Crazy that both of our boys are spitting images of their fathers. I guess the world couldn't handle any more of 'us'! :)
