Monday, January 23, 2012

Cooper in 4-D

Watching movies/television shows in 3-D is all the rage these days. In fact, you can even buy 3-D TVs now. I can just see it now ... Jared and me piled up in the den - him in his recliner, me on the couch - in our jammies - wearing those hideous 3-D glasses and feeling a little green by the time we try to climb the stairs for bed time. Motion sickness. Yeah, that doesn't sound like anything we're going to be doing for a while.

We may not like to watch movies in 3-D, but seeing our little man in 4-D was an opportunity we couldn't pass up! We invited our families and headed over to Baby Belly Spa. What. An. Experience. If you're pregnant, and you have the opportunity to do this, go for it. Spend the money. It's worth it.

Here's a little glimpse into how we spent our Saturday morning with Cooper ...

At first, I thought Cooper wasn't going to cooperate. He had his little hands up over his face like he was trying to shade himself from all the light. Nap time, I guess. Then came his entire leg. He's way more flexible than his parents. Take a look:
You can see all of his 10 little fingers (and the umbilical cord is that weird tail-looking thing)

Look at that foot resting on his forehead! He's got the cutest little toes I've ever seen!
I'm guessing room is limited these days ... But he did, finally, put his little leg down and started to cooperate with us.

One of the funniest moments of the whole experience was this:

Little rascal stuck his little tongue out at us!
I'm pretty sure he's the most beautiful baby I've ever seen.

Wouldn't you agree?

This beautiful little boy will be gracing us with his presence in just about 10 weeks (give or take), and we can't wait. It was such a blessing to share this experience with our amazing family. There were a few special people who couldn't be there, but we know they were there in spirit and in our hearts. We love you all!

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