Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Baby E Update - Weeks 9-11

Week 9 - 

What was happening: Jared started his new job! Yay! Daddy is going to have normal hours, so he can be home with me and Baby E way more!

How am I feeling: Am I ever going to have energy again?

Week 10 -
What was happening: Nothing too exciting is happening this week. Just normal - work, eat, sleep and repeat. However, we did have the Labor Day holiday, and Jared and I both caught an awful cold. So, we slept most of the weekend. And, we watched football.Oh ... and WE BOUGHT A HOUSE!!!!

How am I feeling: Sick from a cold that I caught at work. Tired. 
Week 11 - 

What was happening: It's finally time for our second doctor's appointment! We have been waiting to hear the heartbeat for 11 weeks now. Some folks say you can hear it now, but others say it takes until week 12 or 13. You can read about what happened here. Long story short. Coudln't hear the heartbeat. I freaked. We got an ultrasound instead. It was beautiful. There's an active little baby inside me right now kicking little legs and waving little arms like crazy! Wow! We decided to go ahead and announce our good news on Facebook. Lots of people already know at this point, the doctor said we have an active baby and all seemed well, so why not scream it from the rooftop? Or, well, at least from this blog all the way onto Facebook?
 How am I feeling: Fantastic. Excited. A lot less nervous. Happy. Tired. A little dizzy. And wonderful. 


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