Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Baby's First Picture

Here's baby's first picture that was taken on 8/16/11.
Hi! I'm 7 weeks old here.

I wish we had a picture to share from yesterday's ultra sound. We went to the doctor thinking hoping and praying we would get to hear the heartbeat. So, we sit down in the office all excited (and really nervous too - I wanted so badly to know our baby was ok). My doctor puts the doppler on my belly, but no heartbeat. I started to panic - internally and silently, but my eyes told her exactly what I was thinking. She looked at me and said, I'll be right back. Of course, I'm freaking out. I'm trying not to cry. I'm trying not to think the worst.

She came right back in with an ultra sound machine and within 30 seconds we could see our sweet baby kicking its long legs, waving at us and flipping and flopping all around. Wow! This was WAY better than just hearing the heartbeat. We could see it. And everything else too. This is one of the moments you thank God for unanswered prayers. He knew it would make us so much happier to see the baby than to just hear the heartbeat, and He totally worked that out for us.

The first time we saw our baby just 4 weeks ago, it wasn't recognizable as a baby. It looked more like a a dot on the screen (see above). Today it looked like a real, live, breathing baby. Head. Spine. Legs. Arms. Heart. It was all there. It was the most beautiful thing I've ever laid my eyes on. We won't have pictures again until our November appointment when we find out if it's a boy or a girl. We can't wait to see how much Baby E has grown by then!

Also, I'd just like to take a minute to say thank you to all of you who have known our big secret and have been praying for a healthy first trimester. God is amazing. He's the giver of all miracles. And, we are thankful beyond thankful for this blessing!

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