Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Long Time, No Write ... A Christmas Update

It's been a while. I've missed you guys! The holiday season sure takes a toll on one's schedule! Christmas is my favorite holiday, and I wish I could find time to write every day about all the joys of this beautiful time of year!

We kicked off Christmas this past weekend with my fabulous family! It's rare that we're all together in the same room, at the same time. But, when we are, we have a blast.

My little brother, Wil, is one of the funniest people you'll ever meet! He gets on a roll, and before we know it, we're all in tears we're laughing so hard. This time, we found out how funny his cute little wife is too!

Jeff, my older brother, and his wife have been remodeling their home, and this was the first time any of us have seen it. It's really beautiful! They did an awesome job. I know they are so proud.

Let's talk about how much we all ate ... on second thought, let's not. We'll leave it at this ... the women in my family sure know how to cook! And, well, let's face it ... the food at a family gathering can make or break the event. The gathering isn't all about food. That's not what I mean. But, if it's good, it puts everyone in a good mood, and folks are simply happy and having a great time. If it's not good, eveyone tends to focus on how quickly they can get away from the event to fill their belly's up because all they can focus on is how nasty the food is. Make sense? I NEVER want that to happen at my house. When I have folks over, I want them to leave happy and full and happy and looking forward to coming back again. I guess I take that after my sister. She's the queen of entertaining. It's an art. Not everyone can do it well. But, she does. Okay. I just realized how long this paragraph is compared to the others. I'm thinking I may need to do another post on the art of entertaining. Stay tuned.

Anyway, the way we do Christmas gifts in our family is simple. We buy for the kids. The gift to all of us brothers and sisters is simply being together. We know the value of family, and it's important to us that we spend quality time with each other. I think so often, we (as in people in general) get so caught up buying presents, that we forget to enjoy the presence of family and the true meaning of Christmas. There's some talk about playing dirty santa or some other game next year ... again, it won't be about the gift, but it will be all about having some fun!

Next on our list? An Alabama Christmas ... I'll share stories next week. :)

What are your plans for Christmas?

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