Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Last Christmas With Just Two

Yep! This was our last Christmas with just two in our family! Next year, we will be a party of THREE, and we are beyond excited! I can't wait to see Cooper's precious little face light up next Christmas morning!

So ... We just got back from a weekend in Alabama. Here are a few of my favorite moments from our festivities:

I made Jared's grandmother a calendar that included photos from everyone in the family. When I say everyone, I mean everyone! There were over 200 photos that included her parents (Jared's great grandparents), her brother and sisters and all of their families. Every persons birthday and anniversary was included on the date with another picture of that person/couple. When she opened it, it was the sweetest sight. She kept telling me she was going to cry. I think she enjoyed seeing everyone's photos ... especially those who had already passed away. A big HUGE thank you to Jared's Aunt Cheryl who gathered the majority of the photos for me. I couldn't have pulled it off without her!

Eeron and I took off to Gadsden on Christmas Eve morning, and we we got to see two of our high school friends who we hadn't seen in a long time: Laura and Rachel. Laura was precious enough to give me all of her maternity clothes. Seriously! How awesome is that! She and her husband are moving to Africa on a mission in the next few months to a year, so I was so glad that we got to see her before they left. And, bonus! She had her precious little boy with her. He is absolutely adorable! On our way back home, we stopped by Rachel's moms house to see them. Well, Rachel hasn't changed a bit! Cute as button, happy as a lark and loving life! We caught up on all kinds of stuff, and we ended up late to Christmas Eve dessert at Jared's grandparents house because we lost track of time.Oopsey daisy!

Jared and I met our friends Lisa and Patrick for breakfast on Christmas Eve (before my Gadsden trip with Eeron). First of all, let me just say that if you are ever in Albertville, Alabama, you should stop by The Food Basket. Best. Food. Ever. We had such a great time visiting with them, but I wish we had more time. An hour is never enough. There's always too much to talk about with Lisa and me. Poor Patrick and Jared just have to listen and occasionally they find a second of quiet time to chime in. Plus, she made the cutest picture frames for Cooper. I'll post pictures later. They are just precious! And, she got us a Christmas ornament that has a man and a pregnant woman with our names on them and Cooper's is written on the prego belly. Soooo cute! Cooper is going to love his Lisa!

And, of course, Christmas is most fun when there are kids running around! This year, Jared's cousin, Foster is 3 1/2, and he's at the perfect age to make Christmas a blast! Watching him open his presents at Jared's grandmother's house was a hoot! Jared's mom and dad got him batman pajamas and underwear. He immediately put the jammies on, and kept asking to put his undies on too. You would have htought that those jammies turned him into the real batman! He was so cute! And, on Christmas morning, we went over to their house to see what all Santa had brought him. He kept eating his chocolate circles (Reese cups), and running around like a wild man playing with his star wars gun that Eeron and John got him. I think Jared turned into a 3 year old while we were there. One was constantly shooting the other. It was so much fun! I can't wait until Cooper is running around like a wild man on Christmas morning! It's going to be so much fun! Before we left Foster's house, he hugged my belly and told Cooper bye, Merry Christmas and he loves him. It was very sweet! I think Foster is going to make an excellent big cousin to our little Coop!

On Christmas Day, Eeron got sick so she didn't get to come to Christmas at Jared's parents house. Everyone else was there, and we sure did miss Eeron. (Especially me ... She was supposed to teach me how to knit!) After we ate, we sat around and talked for a little bit and then Jared and I headed back to the bluegrass state! Although we had a nice time, it was nice to be home and sleep in our own beds! We both slept like babies!

The worst part of Christmas? I realized I didn't take any pictures! We have no pictures of Jared and me from Christmas ... we did not document my pregnant Christmas belly! How did I let this happen? Ugh! Double Ugh! 

So, that's that. It was an "on-the-go" Christmas for sure! Actually, it's been a busy holiday season from Thanksgiving to Christmas.

Next year, we aren't sure what we're going to do ...

We want Cooper to get to wake up in his own bed, at his own house, on Christmas morning to all his Santa toys. With families in two different states, it's difficult to find time to spend with everyone. We already do Christmas with my family the weekend before Christmas, so we have to figure out when and where we're going to do Christmas with Jared's family. Do any of you have this same problem? How do you do Christmas with your families? I'd love to hear your good ideas about how to make family time special on the holidays while still being able to be at home on Christmas morning.

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