Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Baby E Update - Weeks 9-11

Week 9 - 

What was happening: Jared started his new job! Yay! Daddy is going to have normal hours, so he can be home with me and Baby E way more!

How am I feeling: Am I ever going to have energy again?

Week 10 -
What was happening: Nothing too exciting is happening this week. Just normal - work, eat, sleep and repeat. However, we did have the Labor Day holiday, and Jared and I both caught an awful cold. So, we slept most of the weekend. And, we watched football.Oh ... and WE BOUGHT A HOUSE!!!!

How am I feeling: Sick from a cold that I caught at work. Tired. 
Week 11 - 

What was happening: It's finally time for our second doctor's appointment! We have been waiting to hear the heartbeat for 11 weeks now. Some folks say you can hear it now, but others say it takes until week 12 or 13. You can read about what happened here. Long story short. Coudln't hear the heartbeat. I freaked. We got an ultrasound instead. It was beautiful. There's an active little baby inside me right now kicking little legs and waving little arms like crazy! Wow! We decided to go ahead and announce our good news on Facebook. Lots of people already know at this point, the doctor said we have an active baby and all seemed well, so why not scream it from the rooftop? Or, well, at least from this blog all the way onto Facebook?
 How am I feeling: Fantastic. Excited. A lot less nervous. Happy. Tired. A little dizzy. And wonderful. 


Baby E Update - Weeks 4 - 8

My sister told me this weekend that she feels like I've been pregnant forever. I feel that way too. Jared and I found out we were having a baby right around 3 1/2 or 4 weeks. And, for the first couple of weeks, my sister was the only other person who knew (and she kept it a secret too). So, yes, it seems like I've been pregnant forever. Definitely longer than 3 months.

She also suggested that I keep a journal. She's really smart. 

So, I thought I'd use this blog as a journal. Sure, it's a public journal. But, if you know me, I'm an open book anyway. I'm also hoping to print this blog after Baby E gets here as a non-traditional baby book. Maybe someday he or she will enjoy reading all these posts and your comments.

So, from the beginning ... (I might break this up into months one, two and three)

Week 4 -

What was happening: I'm planning for our trip to Mexico, and I'm dying to get in the tanning bed (excuse = I don't want to burn in the hot, Mexican sunshine). But, I was having some mixed feelings ... what if I was pregnant? That would be really bad. So, I called my sister and asked her if she thought it was okay to go ahead and get in or not. She figured it was fine, but I still had this nagging feeling ... Long story short. I skipped the tanning bed, made a stop at Walgreens and now I'm very thankful I didn't go get in that tanning bed. I went to Mexico with my white legs and had a blast.

How did we react: After buying the test, I walked straight in our apartment and directly into the bathroom (purse still on my shoulder) and took the test. I walked out and talked to Jared for just a few minutes while I was waiting on the results. He knew exactly what I was doing, but he just sat on the couch … calm. When I couldn’t stand the suspense any longer, I went to check on the results. PREGNANT! I ran out and yelled and threw the test at him. He fell over on the couch, kicked his legs in the air and just laughed with complete excitement. We ran around the house for a few minutes in complete happiness. It was amazing. Even Dolce was running around with us. I think he’d known all along.When we finally calmed down, I sent my sister a picture of the test with a caption that read “I’m glad I didn’t go get in the tanning bed” and called her. The excitement in her voice was wonderful. She’s my sister and my best friend. We were both a little sad though too. It hit us about the same time how much we’d like to tell our mom and how happy she’d be. But, we decided we didn’t need to focus on the sad and I quickly wiped my tears. Besides, Jared said the most wonderful thing, “Rian, your mom knew before we did.” 

How was I feeling: The only thing I feel is heart burn. It doesn’t matter what I eat or drink. That burning feeling just sneaks right up.

We decided not to tell anyone else until after the first trimester, but that didn’t last long …

Week 5 -

What was happening: We're in Mexico with Eeron and John. Eeron is my best friend from childhood and beyond and also sister-in-law (for those of you who don't know, we married brothers). John is Jared's oldest brother. Picture this: I'm not drinking any margaritas, taking anything for my allergies or eating Mexican cheese dip. They new something was up. The night before we left, we ended up telling them and swore them to secrecy for the next 8 weeks.They kept our secret too. :)

How was I feeling: We’re in Mexico, and boy am I tired! I think it’s a mix of the sun and growing a baby. We snorkeled in an underground river one day, and I thought I wasn’t going to make until the end. I’ve never known tired like this.

Week 6: (THIS WAS A BIG WEEK - We weren't telling the world - just our world. )

What was happening: We just got back from Mexico, and we decided to meet Madison and Mallory for dinner to tell them. I was showing them pictures from our vacation and slipped one in of the positive test. Madison noticed it immediately. She looked up at me with her mouth hanging down to her knees. Finally, Mallory realized what was going on. It was hilarious. Talking about being in shock. Plus, they were a little mad that Kelly (their mom, my sister) didn’t tell them. After we got home that night, we called Jay (my sister's husband). I couldn’t let his entire family know and not him. Plus, he’s like a dad to me, so it is important to me to tell him. I was talking to him about Mexico, and I mentioned going to this restaurant (one of his favorite places to go) where they make you do a tequila shot to get in the door, and I told him that I couldn’t do it this time because I’m pregnant. He laughed and then realized what I’d said. It was hilarious. He started stuttering … I guess it was a big surprise. I’m not sure why that's the common theme here. I guess everyone is so surprised because we didn’t tell anyone we were trying. Next, we called my big brother. When we told Jeff, he yelled out to everyone in the room, “I’m gonna be an uncle.” It was so cute! He was so excited that he couldn’t stand it. I love him so much! We waited until Monday to call Wil because it was so late, and he gets up really early in the morning for work on the farm. He was sincerely happy for us. That night I got a text from Mindy (his fiance), and she was just as happy. Wil wanted to know if I’d find out if it’s a boy or a girl at our first appointment. When I told him we’d have to wait about 14 more weeks, he couldn’t believe it.

How was I feeling: I feel great. I’ve only felt nauseous once. I forgot to take my prenatal vitamin one night, so I took it them the next morning. While driving to work, I thought I was going to have to pull over on the side of the road and “be sick.” After darting across three lanes of traffic, the feeling passed. Thank goodness. I hope that doesn’t happen again. I haven’t had much heart burn this week. Yay! Again, I’m exhausted.

Week 7: 

What was happening: It's time for our first doctor's visit. We walked right into the Lexington OBGYN clinic like the proud parents we already are. We both really love my new doctor, Dr. Karen Schell. She’s actually having her second baby in October, so she’s really understanding and patient. After answering a million questions, chatting about all things pregnancy-related and my exam, she sent us off to have our first ultra sound. We had no idea we’d get to do that on this visit, but I had been secretly hoping and praying she’d have mercy on us new parents and let us see our little bundle of joy. Oh. My. Goodness. The first time I saw that sweet little heartbeat, my heart melted. I looked at Jared, and we were both in love. The big white dot on the screen that was pounding so hard … that’s our baby! It’s real. We’re having a baby. That night, I made copies of our 4 ultrasound pictures and wrote a note to Jared's parents from Baby E, and put them all in a little picture album. When we get to their house (after watching their high school football game), we gave it to them … along with the cross that we bought them in Mexico. Here's the letter:

Hola mi abuleo y mi abuela! 

That’s Spanish for grandfather and grandmother since I don’t know what really cool name you want me to call you yet (and I thought I’d use some of the Spanish I learned while in Mexico). I’ve already heard so much about you, and I’m really looking forward to meeting you. But, mom and dad are already setting up the rules. They say I can’t come out and play until April 3, 2012. Dolce has been telling me about the farm. He said it’s so much fun to bite at the tractor tires and go swimming in the muddy pond. I can’t wait! Do you have horses? If not, can I have one? It would make a really cool birthday present! 

I’m planning on making my debut at Central Baptist Hospital in Lexington. It would be really cool if you were there! For the next few months, I’d really appreciate your prayers. After all, it’s tough work growing. Right now, my teeth are beginning to develop and so are my eyes and ears. Pretty soon I’ll have arms and legs for kicking and screaming. Mom’s going to love that! Dad’s doing a really great job learning to deal with mom’s mood swings, napping and cravings. I can already tell he’s going to be a great dad! 

Well, I guess I better get back to developing all my important and cute little parts. See you in April!


Baby Edwards

Jared's brother, John recorded the whole thing. I share that on here some time soon. 

How am I feeling: Still feeling really good! I had another sick feeling this week. Again, took my vitamin in the morning instead of at night. It passed. So far, so good. My back is starting to hurt, and I’m really tired all the time. Kelly said, “you’ll never be as exhausted as you are when you’re pregnant.” I believe it. I could sleep all day. I haven’t really had any cravings or aversions. Occasionally, I just don’t want something, but I haven’t had anything make me sick yet. I’ve been eating a lot of fruit and milk.

Week 8 -

What was happening: On my way to work this morning, I called my Aunt Betty. Kelly has been on me about telling her. She said she needs to talk to her about it because it’s like being able to talk to mom. Aunt Betty just found out she’s going to be a Great Grandmother. And, today, I told her she’s going to be a Great Aunt. The funny thing is, we both thought my baby would be her first Great niece or nephew until we realized that it’s actually going to be #10. We decided no one else needed to know that though. I guess the cat's out of the bag. Sorry Aunt Betty.

How am I feeling: About the same as week. All is well ... and sleepy! Ha ha ha!


Friday, September 16, 2011

An Answered Prayer

I think I was born to be a mother. When I was a little girl, I would sit and watch the Sally Struthers infomercials - you know the ones where she begged you to give $1 a day to support starving children in other countries - and I would beg my mom to do it. I just couldn't understand why I wasn't allowed to bring them home, take care of them and love them. Another similar story that my mom always liked to tell was about the time I walked up to a stranger in Wal-Mart and said, "Ma'am - I think your baby is awfully pretty. Can I have her?" I'm sure the lady thought I was either really crazy or really cute (I'm betting crazy ruled here). Either way, you get the point. I've always wanted a baby.

Since Jared and I got married, I've longed for the day when we would have a child of our own. But, I knew the timing wasn't right. First and foremost, we wanted to be married for a while. We wanted to enjoy our time while our time was ours. And, second, I knew I was looking at another surgery on my arm and wanted to make sure I was healthy and strong enough enough to raise (and pick up and hold) a baby. Well ... Jared and I will have been married for 3 1/2 years when this little one gets here. And, you all know that I had what we hope to be my final surgery this past March (thank you Lord). Finally, let's not forget that I just turned 31 in July. The clock was ticking, everything was in place and we were finally ready.

So, at the beginning of July we started praying. We prayed that when the time was right God would give us a child. Apparently, the time was right. Because on July 26, we found out we were having a baby. I was 4 weeks pregnant. I'm not sure how some folks don't or won't believe in God. I've seen so many prayers answered in my 31 years. It's amazing. I have no doubt that God answered this prayer just when we asked Him to.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Confessions - Mascara & Lip Gloss

I used to be that girl who never walked out the door without - at the very least - mascara and lip gloss. It didn't matter if I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt or a cocktail dress. Eyes and lips must always be ON (I get this from my mother who was caught putting mascara on my sister while she was in labor with my niece). Since we've moved into our apartment, I don't really have a place to get ready which means I end up sitting on the couch while putting my make up on and watching the news. This is so not a good set up. And, I'm usually running late. So, I've gotten in a really bad habit of keeping my two staples in my purse. I get to work. I get busy. And I forget to put them on. Who is this girl? Where did the girl my mother created go? She must be found. She must be found today. I can't take these boring eyes and lips for another minute. From today forward, I'm back to my old self. I vow to NEVER walk out of the house AGAIN without - at the very least - mascara and lip gloss.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Baby's First Picture

Here's baby's first picture that was taken on 8/16/11.
Hi! I'm 7 weeks old here.

I wish we had a picture to share from yesterday's ultra sound. We went to the doctor thinking hoping and praying we would get to hear the heartbeat. So, we sit down in the office all excited (and really nervous too - I wanted so badly to know our baby was ok). My doctor puts the doppler on my belly, but no heartbeat. I started to panic - internally and silently, but my eyes told her exactly what I was thinking. She looked at me and said, I'll be right back. Of course, I'm freaking out. I'm trying not to cry. I'm trying not to think the worst.

She came right back in with an ultra sound machine and within 30 seconds we could see our sweet baby kicking its long legs, waving at us and flipping and flopping all around. Wow! This was WAY better than just hearing the heartbeat. We could see it. And everything else too. This is one of the moments you thank God for unanswered prayers. He knew it would make us so much happier to see the baby than to just hear the heartbeat, and He totally worked that out for us.

The first time we saw our baby just 4 weeks ago, it wasn't recognizable as a baby. It looked more like a a dot on the screen (see above). Today it looked like a real, live, breathing baby. Head. Spine. Legs. Arms. Heart. It was all there. It was the most beautiful thing I've ever laid my eyes on. We won't have pictures again until our November appointment when we find out if it's a boy or a girl. We can't wait to see how much Baby E has grown by then!

Also, I'd just like to take a minute to say thank you to all of you who have known our big secret and have been praying for a healthy first trimester. God is amazing. He's the giver of all miracles. And, we are thankful beyond thankful for this blessing!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

And now we know what LOVE is!

I never knew love,
No I mean real love.
I never knew that kind of love,
Til this moment with you.

Today, Jared and I saw love. We felt love. It was the kind of love you never knew you had in your heart. It was the kind of love that makes you all tingly inside, yet you can't help but cry and all you want to do is shout it to the rooftops. Today, we saw our baby - our first love.

Happy Parents!

That's right. We're going to be parents. We have absolutely no idea what we're doing. But, the one thing we have already figured out is that there's no other kind of love that compares. If we don't do anything else right along this journey, we are sure to love this baby with all of our beings, our hearts and our souls. We're thrilled beyond belief, and we can't wait to meet our little munchkin somewhere around April 3, 2012 (depending on whether its stubborn like its daddy or always moving too fast like its mama).

Silly Parents!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Jared's New J-O-B!

Jared started his 2nd week at his new J-O-B today, and so far, we are BOTH loving it! Most of you already know that his last job at Nestle was tough on both of us. Check out this schedule:

2:00 a.m. - Jared wakes up (and I usually did too which made for a REALLY long day)
3:00 a.m. - Jared leaves for work
3:45 a.m. - Jared gets to work
3:30 p.m. - Jared leaves work
4:15 p.m. - Jared arrives home
6:30 p.m. - Jared starts trying to go to bed.

I usually don't get home until 5:30 p.m., so we only had an hour to see each other in the evenings. And, not to mention that he had to work almost every Saturday. Ugh! We're so glad it's over!

His new job is at Pilkington here in Lexington (yay! no more 45 mile drive - one way - to work). They make all kinds of glass, but his plant makes windshields and other glass for cars. He's the Logistics and Materials dude with Safety responsibilities too. He's so happy to not be working in production anymore. And, the best part, he goes to work at 7:30 a.m. and gets off around 4:30 p.m. AND no Saturdays! Yay! We have our life back! It's fabulous! Can't wait to be able to tailgate on Saturdays now.

So, all of you who know not to call our phones after 6:30 p.m. ... now you can call until 10:00 p.m.! LOL!

In all seriousness though, we're blessed beyond words. Thank you, Lord, for giving us this new opportunity. It couldn't have come at a better time.