Sunday, March 6, 2011

We're Home!

We're home! I'm having good moments and some tough ones too ... totally expected though! Started running a fever last night, but we got it under control before it reached the "have to go to ER" degree. Praise the Lord for that! Sleeping off and on for about 2 hours at a time. Jared said it was like having a newborn baby! LOL!

As for the surgery ... They ended up taking more of MY bone out - the part above the elbow. We didn't know that was going to happen, but we're glad they did this. The last two screws right above my elbow had to come out, and that was going to leave me with two holes that would have to heal. Now I'm more stable - metal from the ball of my shoulder to right above my elbow. Ive got new x-rays that Jared is going to scan later today, and I'll share those then. It makes more sense when you can see the pictures. Anyway, I'm pretty proud of my new robotic arm!

Waiting on my escort out of the hospital! I was so ready to come home.

Ill try to post updates every day or two, but I can only type with one hand so its a slow process. Thank you for your continued prayers ... This too shall pass and I know Ill get better every day! Lots of love!

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