Thursday, June 2, 2011

Become a Possibilitarian!

I was looking at one of my favorite brand's blog page today, Curly Girl Designs, and came across a website of a truly fabulous artist named Kelly Rae Roberts. I was perusing through her site when I saw this:

At first glance, I thought about how cute it was and kept going. Then it hit me ... Become a Possibilitarian? What does that really mean? And, better yet ... am I one? So, now this one image has me thinking. What's possible today? What can I do today to make a difference? Can I change the world? The answer is YES! I can do anything I want to do today because anything is possible. As of today, this is my new motto. I'm a Possibilitarian! Are you?

1 comment:

  1. sometimes all it takes is a smile or a thank you or even a hello... never know...
